
Dragonfly Farm Reference Bucks

updated 12/28/24

Our herd is free of CAE, Johnes, CL, TB, and brucellosis.

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Stonewall's Apocalypse Now ++*S
Sire: Stonewall's Raising Arizona ++S (Stonewall's Longstreet x Goodwood Penny Lane 5*D)
Dam: Stonewall's Lily Dale *D (Gay-Mor Berry's Johnny Jump Up+*S x Willow's Avalanche)

May 27, 1998- January 1, 2012

In 2008 Paco became one of the few ++*S bucks! Thanks to all of the owners of his progeny that contributed to this accomplishment!!

Paco sired the first kids born here. When Judy Veale offered him to me I jumped at the chance to give him a home. Paco produces beautiful general appearance, improved capacity and attachments, excellent feet and legs, and sweet, gentle, milkable temperments. His offspring all have a characteristic elegant, uphill profile with very high withers. He has two MCH daughters: MCH Old Mountain Farm Dubonnet, bred by Cheryle Moore-Smith, and our own MCH Dragonfly Calliope *D E. A third daughter, the beautiful Fairlea Ariel, has three GCH legs but only received two, because of missing tattoos. Paco is also the sire of the stunning ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L *S E (4xRGCH, 3xGCH Buck). Paco had three daughters earn their stars in a one-day milk test in 2004; two of them had scores that put them in the top ten of one-day test scores for the breed that year. As a result, not only did Paco earn his +S, but his famous sire, Raising Arizona, now has his second plus as well. His daughter Fairlea Troy was GCH Junior Doe under judge Jeff Klein at the ANDDA Nigerian Dwarf Specialty at the 2005 AGS National Convention, and Paco also won his fourth Best Get of Sire award at the same show. After yet another Get of Sire win at our last show of the 2005 season, we were pleased to learn that Paco had won the 2005 Tom Thumb award, sponsored by Has It All Farm, for the most Get of Sire wins in a show season. He had yet another daughter, Fairlea Florence, win her junior leg at that same show.

It is fairly plain at this point that Paco is firing blanks, as it were, and barring a miracle, there will be no more naturally sired tots about. We do have some semen frozen and at some point in the future, he may yet sire some more kids. For now, he lives with the does, and goes around all day with a very satisfied expression on his face.

Show record: 10 x 1st, 3 x 2nd place Get of Sire, 2005 Tom Thumb Award Winner, 1 x RJrCH Buck

extended pedigree

photo courtesy of Cheryle Moore-Smith

3/1/01 - 12/30/09

Maestro passed away just before 2009 ended, with his typical grace and poise, apparently from a stroke. I want to thank AnneMarie Keenan for the absolutely terrific, loving home she gave him for his last couple of years, and we all hope he has a great number of little ones running around this spring, as he did his job well right up until the end. For more information and pictures, click here to go to his page. (photo courtesy of Cheryle Moore-Smith)

extended pedigree

Show record: 6 x 1st, 5 x RGCh Buck

PromisedLand Incredible Hunk *S +B
Sire: ARMCH Twin Creeks LS Luck of the Draw +*S E (MCH HBF Luckey Strike +S E x MCH/PGCH Raha Acres Twink's Pixie *D E)
Dam: MCH Gay-Mor's RA Nightowl 2*D (Stonewall's Raising Arizona ++S x ARMCH Unicorn Farm's Parnell's Panda *D)

DOB 5/18/02 extended pedigree  

May 18, 2002 - February 26, 2012

(Photo by Declan Dean) Hunk was a perfect gentleman, and had a certain aromatic savoir faire. . .though he stayed cleaner than any buck I have ever had--I don't know how he did it. While he was no substitute for our favorite but sadly infertile guy, Paco, he was both a Raising Arizona grandson, and a Luck of the Draw son, which was very nice indeed--in fact, he had four of the most illustrious names in the breed as his grandparents. He has proven many times over that he could produce lovely daughters, one of whom, Cloverdale's IH Cafe Latte, owned by Diane Davis-George of Mini Inspirations Farm, won an ADGA GCH and an AGS Best Udder in show as a first freshener. And I know everyone always says this, but--he really was much more level than he looks in this photo! His kids here have universally had notable length of body, neck and bone pattern, levelness of topline, tight shoulders and elbows, and wide open escutcheons. We have retained his daughters Merlin, Electra, Sweetwater, and Celestial as well as Best Junior Doe in Show winner Peregrine. More on Hunk later, but for now I am just very glad that he was collected multiple times, and that we have retained three of his sons from three of our very best does.

ARMCH Twin Creeks BW Giacomo Puccini +*S +B 'E' 90.4
Sire: ARMCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++*S E(Twin Creeks Brave Heart +S x MCH Piddlin Acres Tiny Bubbles *D 'E')
Dam: MCH-CH Twin Creeks WB Madam Butterfly 2*D 'VG' (MCH Goodwood Weisbaden +S 'E' x MCH/PGCH Raha Acres Twink's Pixie *D E)
August, 2005
DOB 12/14/03 extended pedigree

12/14/03 -- 1/14/15

Giacomo passed peacefully in his sleep in icy midwinter--I had checked on him and he seemed comfortable, but the next morning he just did not wake up. Giacomo was not fertile for his last few years, so he lived with the does and considered himself one of the luckiest bucks around. We do have plentiful semen in our tank,which I hope to use soon. Giacomo represents a close linebreeding on Twink's Pixie: he is by a grandson and out of a daughter. He himself was lovely to look at and a joy to handle; he is the only goat I have ever had who actually seemed to enjoy being clipped for shows, and happily strutted his stuff once he got in the ring. His kids consistently inherit his long, uphill profile, beautiful feet and legs, amazing width between the hocks, wide open escutcheons, and nice hind end angulation--we have retained his daughters CH Deirdre (1 x GCH Jr, 4 x RGCH Jr, 3 x GCH Sr), Intaglio, Floria, Zezolla, and a grandaughter, Merlin (1 x GCH Jr, 3 x BOB). His daughter Fairlea Tosca, out of MCH Fairlea Heidi *D, was also a junior champion and has a leg in milk, and her littermate Fairlea Hamlet *S classified E as a two year old. Giacomo won his first MCH leg as a yearling over more than 30 other bucks, and Best of Breed over a two-time Reserve National Champion. Thank you, Kellye!

Giacomo is a plus sire as of 2009--his daughters in our herd and elsewhere are some of our best milkers.

Show record: 12 x 1st place, 6 x Jr Ch Buck, 3 x GCH Buck, 3 x Best of Breed, 6 x RGCH Buck

Flat Rocks Diamond Rio 'E' 90.2
Sire : Flat Rocks Gem (Flat Rocks Mighty Fine x MCH Flat Rocks Surprise *D 'E')
Dam: Flat Rocks Holy Terror (Flat Rocks Ziggy x Willow Creek Holy Smoke)
DOB 3/19/04 extended pedigree

3/19/04 - 6/1/12

Rio is the last buck that will ever leave the farm on a lease, and I blame myself that I even considered it. His loss at the age of only 8 years is my fault alone, and I will never forgive myself. I do hope we will have quite a few more kids here via AI, but he can never be replaced.

(Left photo by Declan Dean.) Rio was our oldest polled buck, and we were very lucky to have him. His dam was one of the canonical Flat Rocks does, and his sire was the late, incomparable Gem. He was a tiny fellow, but extremely well put together (check out that escutcheon) with especially tight shoulders and elbows, terrific skin and ribs, and strong feet with tight toes. It was immediately evident that he would consistently improve feet and legs, producing unusually short, strong, upright pasterns on long, level elegant daughters. What we now know is that all of his daughters to date have nearly identical beautifully shaped and attached udders--in that respect, I would say he was one of our most consistent bucks.

We have retained his daughters Harlequin, and Danu, and we are also very  impressed with Ocean Spray Sea Breeze, bred by Lisa O'Connor and owned by Mandi Babcock. His son Bacchus produced the lovely Dido. Sadly we have no sons here to carry on but perhaps the magic semen tank will remedy that lack.

Show record: 1 x 1st place, 1 x GCH Buck, 1 x Sire and Son (with Fairlea Fletcher Christian)

Reserve All-American Buck, 2 years to under 3, 2006

MCH/GCH Dawnland Tabby's Halifax +B 'E' 90.0
Sire : Rosasharn Tom's Water Tabby *S (ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb+*S 'E' x ARMCH Goodwood Water Lily 2*D)
Dam: Stonewall's India Wilkes (Stonewall's Raising Arizona ++S x Stonewall's Dizzy Miss Lizzie)

6/29/04 - 3/20/10

DOB 6/29/04 extended pedigree LA 2007, 2009 VEE 88

Halifax scored an amazing 2.9 out of 3 in the Style/Upstandingness category in his AGS Classification; one look at his photo and you can understand why. He was a beautiful balance of elegance and power. To my knowledge he never had a fresh daughter with anything but a lovely mammary system, and most of his offspring have improved general appearance and dairy character over their dams. Hal was a permanent champion in both AGS and ADGA, having gone 3 times Best of Breed from the AOP class over standard breed bucks, including a multiple Best Buck in Show-winning Toggenburg. To date he has had 3 daughters win Best Junior Doe in Show at large all breed shows.

Hal was found dead in his pen on the morning of 3/20/10. Post mortem examination showed that his heart failed quite suddenly, apparently due to a cardiac toxicity. I am just devastated by his loss, and can't bear to remove his picture from this page.

I am mystified to learn that Halifax apparently measured overheight at each of his LA sessions (two of which were before I owned him). I can't figure that out, because he was shown as a mature buck many times in AGS shows, (where each animal must WALK under the wicket in order to enter the ring--no holding heads down or other shenanigans) and never measured out. All of his wins in AGS have associated official height measurements recorded, for a total of 5 different measurements by 5 different judges, all within the height limit. When he won his three legs in ADGA, in 2009, two of the judges were willing to sign AGS win forms, thus I have a record of their official measurements of his height (at 5 years of age) as 23 3/8 inches (Lynn Fleming, 5/23/09) and 22 1/2 inches (Lynn Benedict, 5/23/09) (notice the high variability of measurements on the same day). It is my position that, no matter what is recorded in the ADGA Genetics database, Halifax was NOT an overheight buck.

Show record: In AGS: 1 x Jr CH Buck, 3 x RGCH Buck, 2 x GCH Buck (one leg lost), 1 x Sire and Son (with sire Water Tabby); in ADGA, 3 x GCH buck, 3 x BOB (judges Pete Snyder, Lynn Fleming, and Lynn Benedict, May, 2009)

Reserve All-American Buck, 2 years to under 3, 2006

Flat Rocks Miracle Max
Sire: Gladys Porter Zoo Leprechaun (Goodwood Z Ali Babba +*S x Gladys Porter Zoo Aquarius)

Dam: Flat Rocks Masquerade (Flat Rocks Mighty Mike x MCH Flat Rocks Surprise *D)

DOB 2/16/06 extended pedigree

(Photo by D. Gotthardt.)The birth of this buck really was a miracle--his 14 year old sire was supposed to be sterile, and his elderly dam had been retired from breeding. However, grandma and grampa had other ideas. Both parents are a tribute to longevity in the breed. I really like the elegance of this buck, though he does persist in adopting the typical butt-tucked, stubborn buck position in the show ring. One of Max's first daughters, Ocean Spray Catch the Wave, earned her AR and milk star as a 2-year old on her first freshening. On lease at Charlie's Acres.

Show Record : 1 x RGCH (ADGA, judge Pete Snyder, May 2009)

Max has been on long term lease with a friend for many years, but rules his current pasture with great pleasure.

Dragonfly IH High Tide *S
Sire: PromisedLand Incredible Hunk *S (ARMCH Twin Creeks LS Luck of the Draw +*S E x MCH Gay-Mor's RA Nightowl 2*D)
Dam: Twin Creeks BW Pacifica 4*D E AR (MCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch +*S E x MCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 3*D E)
DOB 5/14/06 -- 9/1/18
extended pedigree

I've not been able to get Sweetwater to settle for the last few years, so I was very glad to get this beautiful brother of hers back...hope he will have a few kids for us before he retires! Which he seems to have done--his does all cycled back in 2016, so he gets to live with the girls and he thinks that is pretty keen.


CH Flat Rocks Sirius Black
Sire: Irish Whisper Harry Potter (Gay-Mor's Lucky Northrup King x Gay-Mor's RA Wood Nymph)

Dam: Flat Rocks She's a Keeper (Goodwood Henry Matisse x Flat Rocks Princess)

8/25/06 -- 12/14/15

DOB 8/25/06
extended pedigree LA 2009 V+V 85, 2010, +VV 85, 2011 ++V 82

Sirius is loosely line bred on Raising Arizona, with some Gem and Luck ofthe Draw thrown in for good measure. I was stunned when I peeled off his hair before hauling him off to a 3 ring buck show in May, 2012...I thought he was quite gorgeous, and the judges obviously agreed with me. His toes are so tight that I almost could not get the clippers between them to trim the hair there, and he has amazingly soft skin, velvet-fine hair, wide flat ribbing, tight shoulders and elbows, and the most beautiful profile. To top it off, he has a sweet, gentle personality to go with his great looks. Although he doesn't have the highest LA scores, in 3 appraisals he has in fact earned Vs in EVERY structural category except rump (+), and numerical scores equal to or above 25 in all the linear traits...just never all from the same appraiser in the same year. Sirius began really struggling to maintain his weight in the horrible winter of 2014, but he soldiered on and looked fat and happy the following summer. He suddenly dropped a lot of weight and started looking very old as cold weather approached in 2015, and passed away quietly on his heating pad at 9 1/2.

Show Record : shown 3 times; 3 x 1st, 3 x GCH buck and BOB (Lynn Benedict, Jeremy Lezniak, and Lynn Fleming, May, 2012), 1 x Best Buck in Show (Lynn Fleming, May, 2012)

GCH Flat Rocks Tuan +B EEE 90
Sire : Flat Rocks Gem (Flat Rocks Mighty Fine x MCH Flat Rocks Surprise *D 'E')
Dam: Flat Rocks My Shadow (Flat Rocks Pyrite x Flat Rocks Image)

DOB 2/6/07
extended pedigree LA 2011 EEE 90

2/6/07 - 2/12/15

(Photo by Declan Dean) This lovely polled boy is strong in several areas that our breed really needs, particularly his wide, flat, level rump, tight shoulders and elbows, nice rear angulation, great length of body, and general openness. What's even more remarkable about him is his pedigree, which largely consists of the great Flat Rocks Gem (75%)--pretty near as close as we could get to having the grand old man standing here himself. Tuan's dam, My Shadow (who was also the dam of our Flat Rocks Penumbra) had the highest, most open escutcheon I have ever personally seen on a goat.

Show Record : 3 x GCH (May, 2010, Tom Considine, Ed Cavanaugh; May, 2011, Patricia Ricotta), 2 x RGCH

Caesar's Villa BB Rebel Yell *S
Sire: Caesar's Villa FL Brat in Barn *S (Caesar's Villa PL Golden Flame *S x ARMCH Caesar's Villa STS Bridget *D)

Dam: ARMCH Caesar's Villa STS Suthrn Bell 2*D ( ARMCH Caesar's Villa CBS Stetson ++*S x Stonewall's Serena *D AR)

DOB 5/2/07
extended pedigree (Photo by Lorene Toth)

5/2/07 -- 1/17/15

Well, I really did not need another buck, but I could not pass this boy up. I have really wanted to bring in someone who embodies the Stonewall's Midnight Cowboy/Goodwood Mindy cross, but I felt that I was at my limit--so when my good friend Lorene Toth at Sunnydale Farm asked me where she should look for a great buck, I told her to buy what I thought I had the willpower not to--something linebred on Stetson. She contacted Sharon McCarty, and the result was twin bucklings--both of whom ended up with Lorene. The fact that one of them is now here is a gift beyond price. Rebel can trace his descent from royal dam lines, being the son of a Reserve AGS National Champion Stetson daughter (Suthrn, 2003; she was also 8 x BU and 8 x BOB) and the grandson of a National Champion Stetson daughter(Bridget, 2004) Both Suthrn and Bridget have prodigious milk records as well: in 2004 Suthrn milked 2.11 21 1/8 305 1057 67 6.3 45 4.3, and Bridget milked 5.0 21 1/8  302 1049 73 7.0 43 4.6, for an average of 3.5 lbs of milk per day over a 305 day lactation for each. Those records earned them both spots on the AGS Top Ten list for 305 day test that year--Suthrn in 5th place for milk, 6th for protein and 7th for butterfat, and Bridget in 6th place for milk, and 4th for both protein and butterfat. And for icing on the cake, yes, that is a big lovely moonspot in the middle of his back. Thank you so much, Sharon McCarty, for breeding this beautiful boy and his brother Southern Comfort, and words cannot express my thanks to Lorene for offering me the "other brother"!!

Here is a rear view of Suthrn Bell from Caesar's Villa's winning breeders trio entry at the 2004 AGS National Show.

Show Record : 1 x RGCH (May, 2010, Heart of Maine DGA, Tom Considine)

Dragonfly G Mighty King Asa
Sire: ARMCH Twin Creeks BW Giacomo Puccini +*S +B E (MCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch +*S E x MCH-CH Twin Creeks WB Madam Butterfly 2*D 'VG')
Dam: Twin Creeks AH Chiaroscuro 3*D E (PGCH/MCH Little Rascals American Hero +S x MCH Twin Creeks BW Fantasea 2*D)
9/18/07 -- 4/1/16
extended pedigree

(Photo courtesy of Proctor Hill Farm) When this kid was born I thought he was one of the prettiest bucks we had produced, and he knew it very well...what a big personality. I am so happy that he has made his way back here. He has not had very many kids for us yet, but those he has produced possess real pizzazz, as well as beautiful wide flat rumps and gorgeous rear angulation. Udders TBD, but with his dam and paternal grand dam, I will be very surprised if they are anything but capacious with lovely attachments.

Show Record : 2 x RGCH, 1 x GCH

Dragonfly HFX Altjira
Sire: MCH/CH Dawnland Tabby's Halifax (Rosasharn Tom's Water Tabby *S x Stonewall's India Wilkes)
Dam: Dragonfly IH Sweetwater (PromisedLand Incredible Hunk *S x Twin Creeks BW Pacifica)
4/14/09 -- 11/15/18
extended pedigree

(Photo by Glenys Gotthardt) I am so glad to have this boy back...

Dragonfly RY Apache Tears
Caesar's Villa BB Rebel Yell *S (Caesar's Villa FL Brat in Barn *S x ARMCH Caesar's Villa STS Suthrn Bell 2*D)
Dam: ARMCH Flat Rocks Here For The Party *D E (Flat Rocks Buried Treasure x Flat Rocks Party Time)
Z39: black buck; Dragonfly RY Apache Tears is retained
5/9/09 - 11/13/17
extended pedigree  

Apache spent most of his years at the farms of 2 different friends, so I really have no daughters to show--but he does have some beautiful daughters in the Crossdrive and Fairlea herds, and I do have him in the tank. Poor Apache got the worst of a fight in the buck pen, and slowly lost his ability to move and we laid him to rest before the coldest weather could make his life even more uncomfortable.

Dragonfly HFX Aragorn (Ranger )
Sire: MCH/CH Dawnland Tabby's Halifax (Rosasharn Tom's Water Tabby *S x Stonewall's India Wilkes)
Dam: Dragonfly IH Electra (PromisedLand Incredible Hunk *S x Twin Creeks WB Summer Blonde)
May, 2014
5/28/09 -- 4/11/18
extended pedigree

Of all of the Halifax sons I retained, I think Ranger is the one that most resembles his illustrious sire. His two siblings have been extremely successfull: Dragonfly HFX Carmen VVVE 89 is the foundation doe for the Sunnydale Farm Nigerian dwarf herd, having produced two SG daughters, one of whom is a finished CH appraised EEEE 91, and the other with multiple legs earned, appraised EVEE 90, as well as multiple very promising younger offspring. Dragonfly HFX Tanunda, owned by Kyeema Ridge farm, recently appraised EEEE 92. This year (2015)I realized to my surprise that I had retained very few Ranger daughters, so I have remedied that, I hope, retaining 4 daughters out of some of my best does.

Dragonfly SOL Revenant
Sire: Algedi Farm MH Solaris *S (Algedi Farm Manuka Honey x SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D EEVE 90)

Dam: Dragonfly HLU Banshee (Dragonfly HFX Hallucination x Dragonfly RY Jubilee)

DOB 4/9/18
extended pedigree LA

Revenant was my beloved Banshee's last gift to me, along with his gorgeous sister SOLar Eclipse. I don'thave any good photos of him--he was still not unfolded when we took his baby picture, but he has grown into a beautiful boy, and I hope to see pictures in the spring.

Show record:  not yet shown

Dragonfly L Garibaldi
Sire: Dragonfly TA Lancelot du Lac (Stonewall's Turner Ashby E x ARMCH Flat Rocks Here For the Party*D E)
Dam: Twin Creeks AH Chiaroscuro 3*D E (PGCH/MCH Little Rascals American Hero +S x MCH Twin Creeks BW Fantasea 2*D)
July, 2014
June, 2009
extended pedigree

When you have a buck who just looks great all the time, lounging in the pasture, hairy and stinky, you know you did a good thing bringing him home again. Gari was sold as a kid and went to a nice farm where he had some pretty kids, and when they needed to move him on, thank goodness they offered him back to me (thanks, Eva!!!). He has several brothers who were successful herd sires in Texas (see Pretty Noel) and Wisconsin (see Olson Acres). As soon as I set eyes on him, I thought I had something pretty nice here to work with. Gari is linebred on the great MCH Flat Rocks Surprise *D 'E', through both Flat Rocks Flash, one of my favorites of all time, and his half brother the great Gem, and his pedigree also includes the other two main lines I love to work with, Raising Arizona, and Raha Acres Twink'sPixie. Up close, he is a combination of probably my two best does, Party and Chiara. Polled, as a bonus.

Garibaldi has been sterile for some time now, and lives with another wether ina lovely pet home.

Show Record : 2 x RGCH, 1 x GCH

TX Twin Creeks PKM Avatar *S *B
Sire: Piddlin Acres PV Pokemon *S (Twin Creeks BW Peaceful Voyage *S VG x MCH/CH Piddlin Acres Picachu *D E)
Dam: MCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 3*D E (Gay-Mor Berry's Johnny Jump-Up +*S x Gay-Mor Tut's Lorna Doone 2*D)
DOB 12/22/09 -- 10/15/20
extended pedigree

I am very excited about our new herd sire--he is very similar in breeding to our favorite Pacifica, as well as some of the most successful herd sires in the breed (see Twin Creeks BW Montego Bay, Rebel w/out a Cause, Fathom This, and Brown Dirt Cowboy, among others, and for a real thrill, Google their daughters...) They are all very very prepotent producers of strong udder floors, high rear udders, and especially, that near perfect teat placement that is still far too rare in the breed--I am really looking forward to some beautiful udders . Avatar has some really nice daughters from 2011 that have freshened with cookie-cutter identical gorgeous udders.

Show Record : 3 x 1st place, 2 x RGCH out of 3 times shown against the big boys, May, 2012; 4 x RGCH, May, 2013.

Dragonfly HFX Halcyon
Sire: MCH/CH Dawnland Tabby's Halifax (Rosasharn Tom's Water Tabby *S x Stonewall's India Wilkes)
Dam: Dragonfly HFX Vesta (MCH/CH Dawnland Tabby's Halifax x Dragonfly M Kestrel)
3/1/10 -- 4/25/18
extended pedigree LA not yet done

Okay, this guy ought to be Halifax come again...but at least at first glance, he sure is not. In fact, he is a very unprepossessing little guy, though he is absolutely the most lovey boy in the buck pen. However, as they say, it's not how they look but what they do, so hopefully we will see what he can do this spring.

I wanted to leave what I wrote above, now that I finally have a mature clipped picture of this little guy--he has turned out very well, I think. He's still the shortest guy in the buck pen, (and still the sweetest), but he is beautifully put together. A sleeper that I believe I should be using much more.

Show Record : not yet shown

Dragonfly HFX Calgary
Sire:MCH/CH Dawnland Tabby's Halifax (Rosasharn Tom's Water Tabby *S x Stonewall's India Wilkes)
Dam: Doe-Sy-Doe SW Daffodil *D AR (Doe-Sy-Doe FS Storm Warning x Doe-Sy-Doe's Honeysuckle Rose E 90.2)
3/1/10 -- 9/18/19
extended pedigree LA not yet done

Full brother to Demeter, and a very dignified and beautiful guy. Our beautiful Calgary has gone sterile very early, we're not sure why.

Show Record : not yet shown

Algedi Farm MH Solaris *B
Sire: Algedi Farm Manuka Honey (Twin Creeks BW Montego Bay +*S *B x SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D)
Dam: SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D 3*M EEVE 90 (ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L +*S 'E' x ARMCH Rosasharn's Eclipse 2*D)
3/1/10 -- 4/1/18
extended pedigree LA: not yet done

(Photo courtesy of Proctor Hill Farm) Solaris represents the extreme in dairy character, with very lean thighs and an elegant profile. The udders behind him are very strong, and his pedigree includes one of my very favorite crosses in the Nigerian breed, Baywatch to Nonpareil. I am expecting very strong udder attachments and a lot of elegance from his kids.

Show Record : not yet shown

Dragonfly HFX Hallelujah
Sire:MCH/CH Dawnland Tabby's Halifax (Rosasharn Tom's Water Tabby *S x Stonewall's India Wilkes)
Dam: Twin Creeks AH Chiaroscuro 3*D E (PGCH/MCH Little Rascals American Hero +S x MCH Twin Creeks BW Fantasea 2*D)
5/29/10 -- 8/22/18
extended pedigree LA 2011 VVV; V

Polled. I just love this little guy, even though he doesn't like to help us photograph him. More impressive in person than this picture shows. Quite a few daughrters retained, all nice.

Show Record : 4 x 1st, 3 x Jr GCH, 1 x Jr RGCH

Dragonfly HFX Hallucination
Sire: MCH/CH Dawnland Tabby's Halifax (Rosasharn Tom's Water Tabby *S x Stonewall's India Wilkes)
Dam: ARMCH Flat Rocks Here For The Party *D E (Flat Rocks Buried Treasure x Flat Rocks Party Time)
6/3/10 - 8/10/12
extended pedigree  

Our most beautiful Hal son, I think. Lost him way too soon.

Flat Rocks Holy Bull
Sire: Flat Rocks Heir Apparent (MCH Flat Rocks Fox Fire 'E' x MCH Flat Rocks Surprise *D 'E')
Dam: Flat Rocks Holy Cow (Flat Rocks Gem x Flat Rocks Holy Terror)
DOB 1/11/11 -- 2/2/21
extended pedigree  

Our newest outside herd sire, and a beautiful boy he is, as well as sweet and docile. Just love his first kids here, and I am keeping quite a few. I am sure that one look will tell you why. Like Calgary, Holy Bull also appears to have gone sterile at quite a young age, also for no reason we can discern.

Dragonfly IH Helios
Sire: PromisedLand Incredible Hunk (ARMCH Twin Creeks LS Luck of the Draw +*S E x MCH Gay-Mor's RA Nightowl 2*D)
Dam: Dragonfly RY Topaz (Caesar's Villa BB Rebel Yell *S x Flat Rocks Tiger's Eye)
December, 2011
3/11/11 -- 9/17/21
extended pedigree  

Well, this is an awful picture of a really gorgeous little buck. I was so pleased with his daughter Sulis this year (2015) that I have given him a lot more work to do this fall, and will hopefully get a better picture of him this spring.

Dragonfly IH Poseidon
Sire: PromisedLand Incredible Hunk (ARMCH Twin Creeks LS Luck of the Draw +*S E x MCH Gay-Mor's RA Nightowl 2*D)
Dam: SGCH Flat Rocks Charybdis (Flat Rocks Gem x Flat Rocks Sea Siren)
5/6/11 -- 7/21/22 extended pedigree  

Not our most endearing personality, but beautiful all the same. Here's hoping for lots of little JoJo udders running around here. Confirmed sterile in fall 2020, but still trucking along.

Dragonfly HLU Nikola Tesla
Sire: Dragonfly HFX Hallucination (MCH/CH Dawnland Tabby's Halifax x ARMCH Flat Rocks Here For The Party *D E)
Dam: Dragonfly IH Electra (PromisedLand Incredible Hunk *S x Twin Creeks WB Summer Blonde)
May, 2014
DOB 8/9/12
extended pedigree  

Finally a photo of Nikola, looking a little naked at the Altamont Buck show, 2014, where he won his class several times.

Dragonfly SB Gjallar
Sire: CH Flat Rocks Sirius Black (Irish Whisper Harry Potter x Flat Rocks She's a Keeper)
Dam: SG Twin Creeks BW Nor'easter 3*D AR LA VVEE 90 (ARMCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch +*S E x MCH Little Rascals Black Dahlia 2*D E)
September, 2020
Lower right 2 pictures courtesy of Frigga Farm
DOB 4/9/12
extended pedigree  

He's back, and I am thrilled! I never had a Nor'easter daughter to keep, and no Sirius sons, so this guy is doubly welcome home. Confirmed sterile in fall, 2020, but still looks great.

Show Record: 2 x GCH, 1 x BOB (September, 2020, Son of a Buck Show, judges Richard Grossman and Scott Horner)

Flat Rocks Sea Fire
Sire: Flat Rocks Ember (MCH Flat Rocks Fox Fire 'E' x Steele Ballew Adolla Dolly)
Dam: Flat Rocks FF Sea Star (MCH Flat Rocks Fox Fire 'E' x Flat Rocks Sea Siren)
DOB 4/17/14
extended pedigree  

(Photo courtesy of Dreahook and Lady Walkers Half Moon farms) An unexpected but welcome addition, thanks, Kathy Plutnick and Lori Yeske! Sea Fire is linebred on Fox Fire, sire of our gorgeous and ageless Ella Enchanted, and his dam Sea Star is half sister to our gorgeous CH Flat Rocks Charybdis *D (Best Udder, 2011 ADGA National Show). Also, he has a moonspot :- )

Dragonfly RY Pendleton
Sire: Caesar's Villa BB Rebel Yell *S (Caesar's Villa FL Brat in Barn *S x ARMCH Caesar's Villa STS Suthrn Bell 2*D)
Dam: Dragonfly HFX Yggdrasil LA EEEE 91 (MCH/CH Dawnland Tabby's Halifax x Dragonfly DR Harlequin)

June, 2018
2/23/15 -- 1/16/20
extended pedigree LA 2018 VVVV 89

Many of you know how devastated I was to lose my beloved Egghead in kidding in 2019, along with her much desired buck kid. Thus I was thrilled beyond measure to have this beautiful son offered back to me later that year. Pendleton, along with his sister Freya, were from my last Rebel litter born via live cover, and my only Egghead son. Not only is he lovely to look at, but has his dam's sweet, loving personality, and even in this 2020 year of limited kiddings, will have more kids, hopefully, than any of the other delicious boys from whom I have to choose.

Very glad we used this gorgeous guy while we could as we lost him to pneumonia way too soon.

Show record: not yet shown

Dragonfly RY Domino
Sire: Caesar's Villa BB Rebel Yell *S (Caesar's Villa FL Brat in Barn *S x ARMCH Caesar's Villa STS Suthrn Bell 2*D)
Dam: Dragonfly HFX Demeter (MCH/CH Dawnland Tabby's Halifax x Doe-Sy-Doe's SW Dafodil *D)
DOB 3/22/15
extended pedigree LA

Our only Rebel son, flashy young Domino should be getting some needed exposure this year. His sister Persephone is one of our up and coming young does.

Dragonfly NK Amaethon
Sire: Dragonfly HLU Nikola Tesla (Dragonfly HFX Hallucination x Dragonfly IH Electra)
Dam: GCH Dragonfly HEL Sulis VEEE 92 (Dragonfly IH Helios x Dragonfly HLJ Inana)
DOB 4/19/16
extended pedigree LA 2017 EE+ 89

(Top photos by Sally Mills Rodeffer) Very happy to get this beautiful boy back.

Dragonfly HFX Miyazaki
Sire: MCH/CH Dawnland Tabby's Halifax (Rosasharn Tom's Water Tabby *S x Stonewall's India Wilkes)

Dam: Kannah Creek SF Kaya *D VG (Twin Creeks BW Solar Flare *S x Gay-Mor's Lucky Monarda)

4/4/10 - 12/30/11
LA 2011 VVV 86

Another beautiful Hal son. Died of a mysterious neurological malady, possibly tetanus. Pictured here because he is full brother to our lovely Kyrie.

Show Record : 4 x 1st

Dragonfly TA Lancelot du Lac +B

Dam: ARMCH Flat Rocks Here For the Party *D E (Flat Rocks Buried Treasure x Flat Rocks Party Time )

DOB 6/21/06

(Photo by Declan, 9/07) This son of Turner Ashby has a lot of presence and is a love besides. Although he is an outcross, we hope it is a synergistic combination, and we have been crossing him back to both our Flat Rocks and Raising Arizona bred girls with great success. We have retained a beautiful daughter out of our lovely Pacifica, as well as several other daughters. He shows a very strong resemblance to his sire, who held up well into his later years, classifying E and receiving a GCH leg at the age of 8. Like his sire he is a big boy, having gone slightly overheight at the age of 3 years. HIs sister Callisto freshened wit a really beautiful udder.

Show Record : 5 x 1st, 1 x RGCH Jr Buck out of 3 times shown

Reserve All-American Junior Buck, 2006

Sold, thanks Mandy!!

Flat Rocks Funny Cide
Sire: Velvet Acres Knothead (MCH Flat Rocks Flash 'E' x Flat Rocks Knucklehead)
Dam: Flat Rocks Charismatic (Flat Rocks Count Your Blessings x MCH Flat Rocks Surprise *D)

Finally, a grown up picture of Funny Cide; thank you Cheryle! He is not a very cooperative subject--he is actually very level over the topline, as are his daughters, but he WILL TUCK THAT BUTT as soon as you take hold of his collar! Funny is tightly linebred on the legendary doe MCH Flat Rocks Surprise, who was truly one of the greats of the breed. He is nearly as closely related to Surprise as a full son would be, which makes him a rarity in New England. We hope Funny will pass along some of the tremendous longevity that Surprise exemplified, and produce the superb medial suspensory ligament and lateral attachments that his dam possessed as well. Some of her small stature wouldn't hurt either. (You hear that girls? No more bumping the stick!) Funny's daughter Phoebe won her Junior leg this year at the age of 4 months, his daughter Persephone is one of our favorites, and his daughter Flight was placed highly in very large classes of juniors throughout the 2005 show season. All of his daughters have been particularly dairy and elegant, and we eagerly anticipate their first freshenings this season.

extended pedigree

Funny Cide Daughters

photo courtesy of Cheryle Moore-Smith, Old Mountain Farm

Rosasharn TL Ushikai *S
DOB 3/6/08

I have been wanting to bring some of Paco's genes back into the herd through his son Tiger L, and so in the fall of 2007 I bred Calliope to the lovely Rosasharn TL U'gene. I was so impressed with the kids from that breeding that I could not resist when Anne offered me this full brother. He is just lovely in every way, and has the nice bonus of being related to yet another doe I admire, Rosasharn's Baby Usa 2*D, one of the few Alamo Messenger daughters who ever lived outside of the Goodwood herd, along with such other notables as Goodwood Mindy, matriarch of the Caesar's Villa herd, and Flat Rocks Surprise, who is the cornerstone of the Flat Rocks breeding program, and upon whom a large part of our herd is based. His dam, ARMCH Rosasharn's Uni 3*D E (LA 90 EEEV) held the number one spot on the AGS Top Ten list for Nigerian milk production from 2003-2006, and still holds the record for the highest lifetime production. His female full siblings (Unagi, Ulani, and Uridice (at Rosasharn Farm)), and Ukelele (at Little Tot's Estate) are beautiful and accomplished in the show ring and the milk parlor. Also, check out his gorgeous nieces, Beeauty , sired by his brother Unreggretable, and and Witch Hazel, sired by his brother Ukelele Ke'a. He has almost more credentials than I can list. We have retained 2009 daughters from several of our best does (Tiger's L'ily, SheezAllThat, Pacifica, and THREE from Ariadne) I plan to use mainly my Halifax sons for the next couple of breeding seasons, so I feel that I can let Ushi go to a new home.

Sold; thanks Mike!!

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