Home of the 2016 Reserve National Champion Nigerian, GCH Dragonfly IH Peregrine *D 1*M, and the Reserve National Champion Junior doe, Dragonfly SOL Fantasia.
If anyone is interested in my discussion of the issue of bucks in the breed that are over height, I have prepared a document.
We have updated our Purchase Information page; please read before making a reservation--thanks!!
Visit our Kidding Schedule to see what's happening--links to pictures and prices are always there!
had a pretty successful trip to the 2011 ADGA National Show--Dragonfly
RY Topaz was National Champion, CH Flat Rocks Charybdis *D E was
National Best Udder, PromisedLand Incredible Hunk *S was Premier
Sire, and Dragonfly was Premier Breeder and Exhibitor. Also Twin
Creeks BW Nor'easter was Best Udder in the aged doe class. My thanks
go to my hard working girls, they were real troopers!
On our reference page: Photographic plans for an easy to build low waste hay feeder.
Watercolor of the main barn, by Harvard artist Kathy Williams |
Dragonfly Farm is test negative for CAE, CL, and Johnes.
Click here
to see the REAL Dragonfly!
Joanne Karohl,
and Randy, Declan and Kieran Dean |
Harvard, MA |
(Email is BY FAR the best way to reach me) |
(978)456-9357 |
We are members of the New
England Nigerian Dwarf Association (NENDA), the American
Goat Society, The American Nigerian
Dwarf Dairy Association, and the American
Dairy Goat Association. See
us on:

Kidding Record
test |