Dragonfly IH Verdandi
updated 1/2/15
For Sale
Junior Does2
Bucks New Arrivals Kidding Schedule Links Herdbook 
May, 2012
DOB 4/15/11
extended pedigree LA 2012 ++Ec -- +

Verdi is the spitting image of her dam, and if that holds true when she freshens, she will be lovely indeed. So far, so good--despite my poor stacking job I hope you can see why this doe walked away with a Best Junior Doe in Show. Eye candy indeed. Verdandi has now freshened twice at awkward times for pictures, so I do hope to get fresh full body and udder pictures in 2015.

Show record: 1 x 1st, 1 x GCH Jr, 1 x Best Junior Doe in Show (Jeremy Lesniak, Windsor ME, May, 2012)

Kidding record: 2013, buck/doe twins by Avatar; 2014, twin bucks by Sugarman

July, 2011
305 day test data
Age (yrs.months) DIM Milk, lbs Fat, lbs % Fat Protein, lbs % protein High test day, lbs


For Sale
Junior Does2
Bucks New Arrivals Kidding Schedule Links Herdbook